BioLit™ (DNA & Protein Tools)


Prod Code Product Name CAS Number
61524 TAQ DNA Polymerase (1U/µl)
32976 TAQ DNA Polymerase (3U/µl)
82487 TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl)
12816 TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl) (w/6X Buffer)
51613 TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl) (w/6X Buffer, w/dNTP)
46033 HSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl)
22774 Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/µl)
49069 Pfu DNA Polymerase (5U/µl) (w/dNTP)
85737 TAQ Plus DNA Polymerase (2.5U/µl)
93561 TAQ Plus DNA Polymerase (2.5U/µl) (w/dNTP)
15367 Long TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl)
94126 Long TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl) (w/dNTP)
58235 FSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl)
70073 FSP TAQ DNA Polymerase (5U/µl) (w/dNTP)
81646 Hot Start Taq Polymerase (5U/µl)
57694 Red TAQ DNA Polymerase (1U/µl)
86851 TEV Protease (1U/ul)
65240 NTP Set (100mM each)
89889 ATP Solution (100mM)
71636 CTP Solution (100mM)
88705 GTP Solution (100mM)
93633 UTP Solution (100mM)
94903 dNTP Set (100mM each)
69478 dNTP Set (10mM each)
70596 dNTP Mix (2.5mM each)
18821 dNTP Mix (10mM each)
14464 dNTP Mix (25mM each)
72009 dATP Solution (100mM)
19809 dCTP Solution (100mM)
47435 dGTP Solution (100mM)
91474 dTTP Solution (100mM)
71411 dUTP Solution (100mM)
61318 10X PCR Buffer with KCl
41212 10X PCR Buffer with 15mM Mg2+
43386 10X PCR Buffer with Mg2+ set
86687 25mM MgCl2
66886 DEPC-Treated Water 7732-18-5
96370 Water, nuclease-free 7732-18-5
20870 PCR Enhancer
52531 PCR Sample Preparation Solution
85315 T4 DNA Ligase VLC (20CEU/µl or 0.1 Weiss Unit/µl)
41686 T4 DNA Ligase LC (200CEU/µl or 1 Weiss Unit/µl)
67428 T4 DNA Ligase RC (1000CEU/µl or 5 Weiss Unit/µl)
50900 Taq Mix (2x) (PCR Master Mix (2x))
94531 Pfu Mix (2x)
23782 Plus Mix (2x)
66677 HSP Mix (2x)
36250 Long Taq Mix (2x)
11307 FSP Taq Mix (2x)
84729 FSP Taq Mix Direct for blood (2x)
20220 FSP Taq Mix Direct for tissue (2x)
60159 BioLit FluroGreen qPCR Master Mix (2X)
78797 BioLit FluroGreen qPCR Master Mix (Low CAR) (2X)
38151 BioLit FluroGreen qPCR Master Mix (High CAR) (2X)
93658 FSP Kit
61090 HSP Kit
75906 Long Taq Kit
11405 PCR Kit (Taq Mix Kit)
12770 Pfu Mix Kit
99618 Mini Silica Spin Columns A (2ml each)
64968 Mini Silica Spin Columns B (2ml each)
90113 Mini Silica Spin Columns C (2ml each)
24818 Maxi Spin Columns (50ml each)
20182 RNA Mini Spin Column (2ml each)
39738 Mini Silica Spin Column Set A (2ml SC w/ CT)
89887 Mini Silica Spin Column Set B (2ml SC w/ CT)
69516 Mini Silica Spin Column Set C (2ml SC w/ CT)
34148 Maxi Spin Column Set (50ml SC w/ CT)
37351 RNA Mini Spin Column Set (2ml SC w/ CT)
75044 Oligo (dT) 15 primer
53704 Random Hexamer Primer, 6-mer
92030 RNasin (RNase inhibitor)
71969 RNA Stabilizing Solution
41066 TRIzol-C Reagent
99359 TRIzol-T Reagent
76516 M-MLV (Recombinant)
94837 RT-PCR Kit (First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit)
24723 Ready-To-Use Separating Gel mix 10%
80306 Ready-To-Use Separating Gel mix 12%
88394 Ready-To-Use Separating Gel mix 15%
91574 Ready-To-Use Stacking Gel mix 4%
50358 Biolit FluroBronze Stain
25834 BioLit SafeDye Stain
25437 Biolit SpryBlue Stain for SDS Page
78591 6x Blue Loading Dye
83184 6x DNA Loading Dye
56885 6x DNA Loading Dye & SDS solution
46200 6x Orange Loading Dye
55895 6x TriColor Loading Dye
73530 20X DoubleQuick DNA Electrophoresis Buffer
10344 Low-Range DNA Marker: 0.1 – 1 kb
12447 Mid-Range DNA Marker: 0.5 – 5 kb
45587 Hi-Range DNA Marker: 2.0 – 25 kb
27839 PreStained High Range 1 Tri-Coloured Protein Ladder: 10-180kDa
67792 PreStained High Range 2 Tri-Coloured Protein Ladder: 10-245kDa
54882 ProxiO DNA Marker 1 : 0.1-0.6kb
48234 ProxiO DNA Marker 2 : 0.1-1.2kb
30219 ProxiO DNA Marker 3 : 0.2-4.5kb
20082 ProxiO DNA Marker 4 : 0.5-10kb
57939 FluroBronze DNA Marker 1
35412 FluroBronze DNA Marker 4
32462 FluroBronze Mid-Range DNA Marker
99331 FluroBronze Hi-Range DNA Marker
57493 Safe Dye DNA Marker 1
21054 Safe Dye DNA Marker 4
81685 Safe Dye Mid-Range DNA Marker
56678 Safe Dye Hi-Range DNA Marker
87978 Lambda Hind III Marker
90023 Lambda-EcoRI Marker
53625 BioLit™ Lambda Double Digest Marker
85844 AluI (10U/µl)
51914 BamHI (10U/µl)
32338 BglI (10U/µl)
24848 BglII (10U/µl)
23203 BstE II (10U/µl) (Eco91I)
99402 DraI (10U/µl)
91290 EcoRI (10U/µl)
90279 EcoRV (Eco321) (10U/µl)
77976 HindIII (10U/µl)
36322 HinfI (10U/µl)
15100 HpaI (10U/µl) (KspAI)
47167 KpnI (10U/µl)
78895 MspCI (10U/µl) (BspTI)
79971 NcoI (10U/µl)
97361 NotI (10U/µl)
94651 PstI (10U/µl)
72649 Pvull (10U/µl)
97505 RsaI (10U/µl)
10190 SalI (10U/µl)
15231 SmaI (10U/µl)
96600 XbaI (10U/µl)
44897 ProxiO 10bp DNA Ladder
98628 ProxiO 20bp DNA Ladder
68905 ProxiO Low DNA Ladder
82208 ProxiO 50bp DNA Ladder
88417 ProxiO 50bp DNA Ladder Plus
92972 ProxiO 100bp DNA Ladder
84628 ProxiB 100bp DNA Ladder
52075 ProxiO 100bp DNA Ladder Plus
50255 ProxiB 100bp DNA Ladder Plus
37217 ProxiO 200bp DNA Ladder
93121 ProxiO 500bp DNA Ladder
48290 ProxiO 1kb DNA Ladder
93406 ProxiO 1kb DNA Ladder Plus
77305 PCR Ladder
65698 D2000 Ladder
23068 D5000 Ladder
13483 D10000 Ladder
85791 D15000 Ladder
76195 FluroBronze PCR Ladder
39563 FluroBronze 50bp Ladder Plus
97958 FluroBronze 100bp Ladder
72601 FluroBronze 100bp Ladder Plus
54896 FluroBronze 500bp Ladder
23416 FluroBronze 1kb Ladder Plus
64935 SafeDye PCR Ladder
19262 SafeDye 50bp Ladder Plus
33902 SafeDye 100bp Ladder
53261 SafeDye 100bp Ladder Plus
27107 SafeDye 500bp Ladder
29877 SafeDye 1kb Ladder Plus
33203 Mid-Range 1 Protein Marker: 14-80 kDa
58511 Mid-Range 3 Protein Marker: 14-95 kDa
78084 Popular range Protein Marker: 14-66 kDa
59893 Low-Range Protein Marker: 3-40 kDa
12986 High-Range 1 Protein Marker (20 - 220 kDa)
99625 High-Range 2 Protein Marker (14- 220 kDa)
68894 PreStained Blue Protein Marker: 14 - 66kDa
93675 PreStained Dual Coloured Protein Marker: 14 - 66kDa
55912 pBR322
93116 pUC18
48402 pUC19
67291 Lambda DNA
51826 BioLit Genomic DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Research)
75718 BioLit Tissue DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Research)
33981 BioLit Tissue RNA Extraction Mini Kit (Research)
87883 BioLit Viral RNA Extraction Mini Kit (Research)
94733 BioLit Whole Blood DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Research)
76108 BioLit Whole Blood RNA Extraction Mini Kit (Research)
91210 BioLit Animal Tissue Direct PCR Kit (Research)
74578 BioLit Gel Extraction Kit (Research)
23512 BioLit PCR and DNA Fragment Purification Kit (Research)
62606 BioLit Total RNA Extraction Kit from Plant (Research)
86792 BioLit Total RNA extraction Kit From Various Sources (Research)
66602 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit (Teaching)
64279 Bacterial Transformation Kit - 1 (Teaching)
28660 Bacterial Transformation Kit – 2 (with blue white screening) (Teaching)
95043 DNA Ligation Kit (Teaching)
76941 FITC Conjugation Kit (Teaching)
19317 BioLit Gene Amplification Kit - PCR (Teaching)
83462 Genomic DNA Extraction (from bacteria) Kit (Teaching)
61498 Genomic DNA Extraction (from leaves) Kit (Teaching)
27725 Plasmid Isolation Kit from Bacterial cells (Teaching)
31377 Protoplast Fusion Kit from Plants (Teaching)
18450 Restriction Digestion Kit (Teaching)
83775 SDS PAGE Kit (Teaching)
31105 Silver Staining Kit (Teaching)
46037 Southern Blotting Kit (Teaching)
52166 SpinCol Plasmid Miniprep Kit From Bacterial cells (Teaching)